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As a rule, this disease proceeds slowly and is quite often observed in infants. In this disease of the esophagus, the symptoms are usually heartburn and a burning sensation in the retrosternal region, which may occur or be aggravated by bending forward, lying down, smoking or drinking alcohol. Esophagitis can be complicated by bleeding (most often hidden), aspiration pneumonia, and cicatricial changes in the esophagus.
Sometimes, through congenital and acquired defects in the diaphragm, abdominal organs move into the chest cavity - this condition is defined as a diaphragmatic hernia. Most often it develops in the esophageal opening of the diaphragm. As mentioned above, a symptom of this pathology is reflux esophagitis, as well as hidden bleeding and anemia. How to buy reglan online the esophagus in this case is decided by an accurate diagnosis using X-ray and endoscopic examination. As a rule, therapy is conservative in nature, aimed at reducing reflux. In cases of narrowing of the esophagus or bleeding, surgical intervention is indicated
With pain in the throat, behind the sternum, reflux of stomach contents into the oral cavity, heartburn, acid taste in the mouth, chronic cough and hoarseness, we can talk about esophageal disease, which is called Barrett's metaplasia. The reason that provokes the development of this metoclopramide medication has not yet been established, but it has been found out that this rather serious complication occurs against the background of gastro-reflux esophagitis (GREB). In addition, it is this pathology that can be the impetus for the development of a cancerous tumor.
Barrett's metaplasialeads to the degeneration of the cells of the mucous surface - the cells of the esophageal mucosa are replaced by cells of the intestinal mucosa. By the way, it is this condition that is considered precancerous, regardless of the fact that esophageal cancer is a rather rare disease.
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Barrett's metaplasia. diagnosis and treatment of esophageal disease. Symptoms, the treatment of which requires accurate diagnosis, with Barrett's metaplasia are necessarily confirmed by additional studies in the form of endoscopy and biopsy. To do this, a special thin tube is inserted into the patient's throat, with which you can examine the esophagus, and then a tissue sample is taken from it for subsequent analysis of the condition of the cells.
In the treatment of Barrett's esophagus, attention is usually focused on the treatment of GERD, which provokes metaplasia, as well as on the prevention of cancer. The therapy is of the same nature as for the treatment of GREB (antacids and antireflux drugs), but is more intensive. If it, together with diet therapy, does not bring relief, as well as in cases of hernia incarceration, the patient is shown a surgical intervention called fundoplication (the formation of an artificial valve).
Diseases of the esophagus, the symptoms of which are discussed in the article, are complex diseases, but the most serious pathology is undoubtedly cancer. Chronic inflammatory processes in this organ caused by chemical, thermal or mechanical irritation play an important role in the development of a cancerous tumor in the esophagus. And smoking and alcohol abuse increase the risk of developing cancer by 12 times!

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As a rule, at the very beginning the disease is asymptomatic, and this process can last up to 2 years. When the tumor grows to such a size that it narrows the lumen in the esophagus, the patient shows signs of problems with the passage of food through the named organ. The increase in dysphagia is a characteristic symptom of the development of the tumor process. And if at the beginning of the disease it appears only when swallowing poorly chewed or dense food, then later the patient can only consume foods in liquid or semi-liquid form.
To these signs, a deterioration in the general condition is added. lethargy, loss of appetite, weight loss. With sharp stages of narrowing of the lumen in the esophagus, profuse salivation also appears. In some patients, the development of the tumor is accompanied by pain in the back or behind the sternum. As a rule, they appear at the moment of ingestion and disappear after a while. Rarely, such pain is permanent. Treatment of cancer of the esophagus.
Treatment of reglan of the esophagus affected by a cancerous tumor is reduced to surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. In the first case, the patient's esophagus is completely or partially removed. It depends mainly on how common the process is. In addition, lymph nodes are removed in the areas of metastasis. But this method of treatment may be contraindicated in some patients (for example, with cardiovascular pathologies or dysfunction of the respiratory system).
Chemotherapy is mainly used for low-grade cancer.

The main symptoms in the presence of benign tumors are slowly increasing dysphagia, as well as (with the development of polyps) a sensation of the presence of a foreign body, which causes nausea and vomiting.